Wednesday 18 November 2015

Thing 9 Video

Thing 9, I am embarrassed to say that I am only on Thing 9 at this stage when many people have finished Thing 23. Up until this point I seemed to fit each Thing in quite easily, but this one required learning how to use screencasting and also the task of finding something that you could make a video I thought I would spend some time thinking about what to make my video on.
I did not envision taking this long to figure it out... Various demands on my time meant that I found each week slip by without making the video so here I am finally attempting Thing 9, and hopefully I am back on the road to Thing 23.....almost halfway there...
While looking for inspiration on what to make a video of, I thought I would cheat a little bit and have a nosey at what everyone else's videos were about. I found myself learning about so much more than how to use screencastomatic, I found out how to use Gimp, Nexis and various resources from other libraries. I am very impressed with all of the videos I have watched. There are hours of reading and learning to be done through the creation of everyones posts.
I can see how video is so useful for use as a 'how to' guide, as they can be short and concise and  can be shared easily and also can be useful to reaffirm what may have already been explained in a class.
I decided to do my video on Pinterest, not because I am an expert on it but because I am new to it and from the doing Thing 8, I think I will would like to explore it further.
So here is the video ...finally.

I found Screencastomatic straighforward to use, I didn't want to record my voice (stage fright!) so I made use of the annotations on YouTube instead.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Edel, your link doesn't work. I did my screencast on Pinterest too! Great to see you getting back into Ruai 23
